Photos - Hounds Running Riot

Warning : This gallery shows graphic images which some viewers may find upsetting.

Please click on links below to take you directly to the photo categories:

  1. Animal Abuse
  2. Animals being Attacked
  3. Attacks, Abuse and Intimidation
  4. Dens, Setts and Artificial Earths
  5. Fatalities
  6. Hounds Running Riot
  7. Snaring
  8. Terriermen

Hounds Running Riot

◆ Hunts continue to think they are above the law, trespassing in peoples private gardens killing pets.

◆ Time and time again we see hunts unable to control their hounds running riot all over roads, railway lines causing havoc.

◆ Hounds defecating in public areas after hunting through TB infected farms without cleaning up after themselves.

◆ Hunts galloping down roads dodging in and out of traffic.

◆ Hounds running through livestock fields causing sheep to abort lambs.

◆ Please also see video evidence :

◆ Many articles of hunts running riot in public places :

Photo Gallery
  1. Photos - Animal Abuse
  2. Photos - Animals being Attacked
  3. Photos - Attacks, Abuse and Intimidation
  4. Photos - Dens, Setts and Artificial Earths
  5. Photos - Fatalities
  6. Photos - Hounds Running Riot
  7. Photos - Snaring
  8. Photos - Terriermen

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