These are some links to other groups & sites which offer another great source of information. If you would like to be added please let us know.
Fox Hunting Evidence UK : Facebook Group set up to display evidence of illegal fox hunting activities and campaign to fully ban fox hunting
Ressource and information page on foxhunting
Outreach group dedicated to raising awareness of illegal foxhunting
League against cruel sports : Campaign group to ban fox hunting
Protect our wild animals : Campaign group to ban fox hunting
Hounds off : Information site for hunt trespass
National Police Wildlife Crime Unit : Report a wildlife crime to police
A.C.I.S. : Animal cruelty information & investigation group
UK Centre for Animal Law
National Anti-snaring campaign
FreeBeagles : Excellent page full of information regarding law
More than just badgers : Accidental Activist
Come and join us :
Our FaceBook Group : “Fox Hunting Evidence UK”
Our WebSite : “Fox Hunting Evidence UK”
Our Facebook Share Page : “FoxHuntingEvidenceUK”
Our Twitter Page : FoxEvidence