Trail hunting is just another made up name for foxhunting designed to abuse the loop holes in the law and avoid prosecution. Trail hunting name was made up in 2005. It is not a sport or a traditional hunting practice.
1. For the thrill of riding across country over fences.
There are many types of equestrian activities which fulfil this need but without the brutal killing.
2. To develop boldness in the horse.
Yes hunting does develop boldness in the horse but also teaches the horse to pull, drop on forehand while greatly increasing the risk of injury.
Mock hunting, donation rides, drag hunting, eventing alternatives also fulfil this requirement.
3. Social aspect with like minded people.
All equestrian activities have a social aspect so again no need for foxhunting.
4. Access to open countryside otherwise not available.
Mock hunting, donation rides and drag hunting also have access to open countryside but without the brutal killing.
5. Thrill of the chase and riding with hounds.
Drag hunting also has the thrill of the chase but without the killing and with better regulation on safety.
6. Because its tradition.
The name trail hunting only came about in 2005 so hardly traditional. There are many brutal traditions which are now banned in UK. This is no excuse for carrying on a cruel brutal tradition just because a few hunters think its tradition.
7. To control the fox population.
This myth has been discredited many times as untrue. Fox hunting does not control the fox population.
Once a fox has been killed and removed from an area, a new breeding pair moves in within 3-4 days. It is a proven and well-accepted fact that hunting is an ineffective way of controlling fox numbers.
Rural foxes are in decline due to snares, traps, laid poison, shooting, loss of habitats, food sources, as well as road traffic accidents and dog kills are also responsible for reduced numbers.
We are not over run with foxes
Foxes have been brutally persecuted for centuries by humans in one way or another.
In many parts of the countryside foxes have to be captured and imported from other areas or reared purely so they can then be hunted.
Foxhunting is not about control of the fox population, its all about hunting for fun.
In the time of foot & mouth when all hunting was suspended, fox numbers remained at normal levels.
Foxes are self regulating breeders and only breed in times of plenty.
Fact: There’s little scientific evidence to support the argument that hunting with hounds is necessary for controlling the fox population. Hence why the myth of foxes needing to be controlled is untrue.
The Westminster Government’s inquiry into Hunting With Dogs, concluded:
The overall contribution of traditional fox hunting, within the overall total of control techniques involving dogs is almost insignificant in terms of management of the fox population as a whole.
8. For conservation work.
Hunters claim they are doing conservation work by removing sick foxes.
When hounds are hunting they are unable to determine between the scent of a healthy fox or a sick fox. Hounds don’t suddenly choose to follow a scent as it might be a sick fox. This is an ridiculous fake claim that hunters make.
Foxes carry no more disease than any other animal. Hunting hounds infected with bTB are the biggest risk to bio-security as they move from farm to farm.
9. To control foxes killing chickens or lambs.
Foxes can sometimes take chickens and kill more than one to store to eat later. Fox-proof chicken coops are widely available for responsible owners to protect their chickens.
“How many times have we came home to find the kids have written all over the walls or the dog had ripped the house apart with stuffing from the cushions everywhere. “Normal people don’t say “Right lets rip the bloody dog apart” ….
If foxes didn’t have their food source poisoned, snared, trapped and their habitat wasn’t invaded they wouldn’t have to look for alternative food sources. Foxes help keep the balance of nature and without them we would be over run with mice, rabbits and rats”.
Just to put things in perspective …. more chickens die from an un-natural death caused by feed manufactures adding un-natural growth additives into chicken feed and poor husbandry (care) than foxes taking a few chicken because their normal food source has been poisoned or snared.
Millions of chickens die everyday in factory rearing farms but this seems to be acceptable, but a few chickens taken by a fox is not.
It seems there might be a hidden hunting agenda to this over exaggerate claim that a fox has taken a few of their chickens.
Often, foxes are blamed for killing lambs. However, a fox is no match for a healthy lamb, particularly a lamb being protected by the mother ewe. Domestic dogs, weather conditions, poor husbandry and sickness are the biggest killers. Foxes are only responsible for less than 1% of lamb losses, which are usually the diseased and sick.
Resorting to carrion for food, foxes and badgers will sometimes clean up sheep carcases which are left in fields to rot by farmers. As a result, they can be seen and mistaken for the actual killers.
10. Foxes spread disease.
Foxes carry no more disease than any other animal. Infact hunting hounds infected with bTB are the biggest risk to bio-security as they go from farm to farm.
11. Because hunters like killing foxes for fun.
This can be the only reasonable explanation of why hunters truly fox hunt. They enjoy the blood thirsty killing of a wild animal and the chase.
There’s no human right to be cruel to an animal in the name of �sport’ or otherwise.
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