Please take action against hunting on council land
Here’s a template letter for councils, asking them not to allow hunting on their land for a number of reasons.
Please manually copy and paste : letter, subject line into your email browser, then add the email address of your local council.
Step 1 : Find the email address of your local council, then copy and paste into your email browser
Link : Find your Council
Step 2 : Copy & paste subject line into your email browser
Subject : Trail Hunting on Council Owned Land
Step 3 : Copy whole letter and paste into your email browser
Dear Council
Please could you forward this email to all relevant councillors and planning approval department / committee.
Re : Hunts using council land for trail hunting
As you are probably now aware, hunts have recently come under the spotlight after two internal webinars videos from the hunting office where shown.
These videos exposed what many already know, with high ranking hunting officials admitting that trail hunting is used as a fake smokescreen to hide the intent of illegal hunting.
Police are currently investigating the hunting office webinars.
Many major land owners across the country have now decided to ban “Trail Hunting” on their land including Forestry England, the National Trust and United Utilities, as they do not want to be associated with illegal hunting under the guise name of Trail hunting.
It is more than 15 years since hunting with dogs was outlawed by the Hunting Act 2004 in England and Wales, yet animals are still being chased and killed across the country under the guise of Trail Hunting and accidental kills.
Hunts are extremely reckless with their hounds allowing them to run riot across roads, railway lines, private gardens and residential areas, all uncontrolled putting the public at risk.
It is illegal to knowingly allow the use of your land for illegal hunting.
Other points to consider :
- Hunts are not covered by insurance when illegally hunting. They are also unable to complete sufficient risk and safety assessments, simply because they do not know where their hounds will run and the field will follow.
- The public would be outraged to find out their council had enabled illegal hunting to take place by giving land use permission.
- The council could find themselves being prosecuted for allowing such activity to take place, knowing that trail hunting is just a cover name for illegal hunting.
- Hunts cause chaos on roads with hounds running uncontrolled in front of vehicles.
- Hounds are not kept on leads or under proper control and often roam into public places.
- Hunts do not clean up after their hounds foul in public places.
- Many hounds die on roads and railway lines because hunts are unwilling to control a pack (30 plus) off the lead hunting hounds.
- Hounds are trained to chase and kill, attacks on domestic pets are common.
- Hunts gather in large crowds which may breach covid-19 regulations.
- Livestock worrying. Hounds chasing livestock is common.
- Large gatherings of horses, hounds, and their followers, pose a threat to the environment, flora and fauna, churning up land, disturbing delicate eco systems and wildlife.
- Hunts pose a risk to farm animals by spreading infectious diseases i.e bTB across the countryside while passing from farm to farm.
An outbreak of bTB at one hunt kennels resulted in 97 hounds being destroyed, with other outbreaks being reported in their local hunting area.
Hundreds of prosecutions have taken place for illegal hunting. Hunts have proven time and time again they are unwilling to stay within the law despite their claims.
Hunts are a public nuisance and liability.
It is clear, Councils across the country need to reconsider giving hunts any permission to use their land or public areas and ensure hunts are not above the law.
Supporting hunting is a toxic cause for any Council who rely on public votes.
As responsible landowners, it is important that councils set a positive example by ruling out hunts using their land and passing motions to ban Trail Hunting.
I would really appreciate it if you would take this issue forward to the relevant council committee.
Please feel free to edit the template letter in your email browser, also adding your signature, to make it more personal and distinct.
If you have a template letter you wish us to host, please let us know. We will set it up for you on an individual web page, then all you have to do is promote your template page to encourage people to send the email.
It can also include a short write up to explain what the letter/cause is all about.
Template letters can be written about any local or national issues.
Remember to send us your template letters if you would like us to host them
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